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Day Master - Wu (Yang Earth)

*  Image credit Joey Yap  The imagery associated with the Wu  戊  Earth person is that of mountains, rock, and immovable land features. Accordingly, Wu Earth individuals are trustworthy, emotionally stable, and reliable. Wu Earth individuals have no real need to be recognised or praised by others for their achievements. They don’t necessarily need other people in order to get things done. They are self-sufficient and self-motivated. They also have a strong moral compass. The Wu Earth person never does something if they feel it would be morally questionable to do so. They care deeply about the wellbeing of those around them; family, friends, colleagues. They are forgiving, empathetic, friendly, and conflict-averse. Generally, they are good with other people. They are also reserved and mostly keep to themselves. Wu Earth individuals might even be described as shy and don’t share feelings voluntarily which can make them hard to read or collaborate with. They are slow to act - only comforta

Period 9, The effects of Purple Star 9 (2024-2043)

After all the Fire Element Intro, I suddenly have the feeling to look at the coming Period 9 and therefore I like to share some of my thought. Period 9 carries the Purple Flying Star number 9 which belongs to the Fire Element. During the transition from Period 8 to Period 9, People born with Life Gua #9, #1 and #6 will be more sensitive to the capital shift to period 9. Especially those born with a Fire Day Master (Ding Fire and Bing Fire) or those who have strong Fire Elements in their Bazi chart will also be more sensitive to the shifting Qi.  Flying Star number 9 is associated with “Li Gua Trigram.” People associated with Li Gua are women, especially the second or middle daughter. They too will be influenced by the changing Qi during the transition to Period 9.  Flying Star number 9 represents beauty, innovation, power, fame, passion, senses, and spirituality. What can we expect in moving toward Period 9? What that works in the past may not be working well in Period 9.  The traditio

Day Master - Ding (Yin Fire)

*  Image credit Joey Yap When we hear that someone has a Fire-based Day   Master is may be easy to imagine them as having a fierce,  fiery temper. Contrary to this, Ding  丁  Fire people are actually gentle, fun, and easygoing souls. Think of a candle flame, emanating brightness and warmth – not a blazing fire. Ding Fire individuals are warm, personable, and sophisticated enough to think about how their decisions affect others. They would never dream of doing something to make another person unhappy or uncomfortable. They are lighting quick decision-makers. In most situations, this makes them highly effective, where hang wringing might lead to missed opportunity. They are also thorough to a fault. Intellectual by nature, Ding Fire’s love to learn more and need to know all there is to know before they develop confidence. They demand evidence before they believe something. They are close to their family and tend to be loving and generous. If you do manage to get on the wrong side of a Din

Day Master - Bing (Yang Fire)

*  Image credit Joey Yap Bing Fire individuals are never dull. Think of the intense heat of the sun – it simply cannot be ignored. Like an especially sunny day, Bing Fire leaders get everyone animated. They are optimistic and naturally charismatic, infectiously passionate, and always enthusiastic about whatever they are doing. They are honest and straight-talking without being offensive in their candor. They are also naturally confident and self-assured. When a person believes in themselves in the way that a Bing Fire does, then other people are inclined to believe in them, too. This helps explains why the Bing Fire has no trouble finding supporters and allies to their cause or vision. Without a set routine, the Bing Fire can feel lost and become unproductive. When everything is changing around them, they have a hard time becoming anchored and getting things done. The devil is in the details for a Bing Fire who spends all their time thinking about the bigger picture, neglecting smaller

Day Master - Yi (Yin Wood)

*  Image credit Joey Yap The Yi Wood can be imagined as the slow-growing vine or creeping ivy. Yi Wood individuals are likable and charming in their social interactions, positive traits attributed to their easy-going, agreeable personality. Not the type to shoot from the hip, the Yi Wood tends to showcase their finest when they are dealing with others, and can be quick-witted, flattering, and sharp around  their friends or colleagues and families. Networking, making connections, and uniting others are among the highlighted strengths you will find in a Yi Wood. They deploy their quick wit and fast thinking to resolve problems and people often turn to them when a quick decision is needed. Yi Wood individuals are likely to excel professionally, as they are highly motivated to expand on their talents and apply them to advance ahead in their careers. They also possess a strong moral compass and often put the needs of others ahead of their own. Sometimes the Yi Wood neglect to survey the fin

Day Master - Jia (Yang Wood)

*  Image credit Joey Yap If you want a good idea of the nature of a Jia Wood   individual, think of a tall, sturdy, slow-growing tree -  possibly an oak tree, teakwood tree, California redwood or something with similar characteristics of resilience and sturdiness. They are forthright and call it as they see it regardless of what company they are in. They are grand thinkers who produce solutions to stand the test of time. They are not one to agree with  other people for the sake of pleasing them. Usually,  this can be seen as a positive trait, a Pillar of integrity, and an emphasis on principles rather than popularity. Jia Wood individuals care about others and have a kind side that is revealed over time as trust is earned. They tend to be quiet and enigmatic unless in a familiar company. No time for pretenses, Jia Wood individuals call it like they see it even if this can cause offence or if others disagree. They are stubborn to the end and will go down with a sinking ship. They lack o