* Image credit Joey Yap The imagery associated with the Wu 戊 Earth person is that of mountains, rock, and immovable land features. Accordingly, Wu Earth individuals are trustworthy, emotionally stable, and reliable. Wu Earth individuals have no real need to be recognised or praised by others for their achievements. They don’t necessarily need other people in order to get things done. They are self-sufficient and self-motivated. They also have a strong moral compass. The Wu Earth person never does something if they feel it would be morally questionable to do so. They care deeply about the wellbeing of those around them; family, friends, colleagues. They are forgiving, empathetic, friendly, and conflict-averse. Generally, they are good with other people. They are also reserved and mostly keep to themselves. Wu Earth individuals might even be described as shy and don’t share feelings voluntarily which can make them hard to read or collaborate with. They are slow to ...